Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Men's Health Week!

So this post is a bit late as we are partway through the week, but I wanted to make a quick post because it is Men's Health Week at CCNM! I think this is a really great event because a lot of naturopathic medicine seems to focus towards women. This is not bad at all, I think it's great and really a big part of it is that women are just more likely to take their health into their own hands. That's not to say that men don't care about their health, but for a lot of reasons they are less likely to take proactive measures and thus less likely to see naturopathic doctors. It is because of this that I think it's so important to learn more about Men's Health and be able to help address their problems when they do come in. The other piece is that education on Men's Health at CCNM is quite limited, with just some focus on the obvious culprits like prostate cancer, testicular cancer and maybe erectile dysfunction. Of course the male reproductive system is a lot less complicated than the female one, so there is less to learn about that. But I think that males have a lot of distinct issues when it comes to mental and emotional health, especially in the setting of North America. This is why I think it is great to have a week to focus on those aspects a bit more.

Last night Dr. Jason Clifford gave a talk on the feminine side of maleness. Unfortunately I couldn't go because of HEROs, but I think it was recorded so I'll get a chance to listen to it later on. Today there is an open forum on Men's Health at common time (we had a great discussion last year so I'm hoping for a good one again), and included is the men's service auction (I'm auctioning off so personal training, and all our proceeds will go to Movember!). Finally tonight Dr. Rajesh Ragbir will be giving a talk on male vulnerability and access to health, and I will be able to go this, a talk that I'm pretty excited about.

So that's all for now, hope you spend the week thinking about the health of your men and remembering that we are complex creatures and even though we don't show it, we have just as many emotional and spiritual aspects to ourselves as women.

A little late but here's the poster for Men's Health Week this year!

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