Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Clubs Week

        This week was clubs week which is overall a pretty exciting time. I’m used to Laurier where there is one day devoted to clubs for first years during orientation week, and then occasionally they set up in the concourse. For this week, the front lobby was set up with a bunch of tables, and over the week tons of sign-up pages were set out for a bunch of different clubs. I was really impressed with the number of clubs there are (over 20) considering that the school population is so small (can’t be more than 500-600 students), compared to Laurier which maybe has 50 clubs, but over 14000 students! I signed up for almost all of the clubs since I decided it would be better to get all the emails and decide what to go to when I get them. One of them I’m pretty excited for is the Dragon Boat club (CCNM Nightshade!). I think we’ll just start with working out for this semester, but in early winter we get to actually go in a dragon boat and race, so that’s going to be pretty exciting. There’s also lots of cool clubs to learn about different topics with free lectures and seminars, like the business club, pediatrics club and geriatrics club. 

                           (a real dragon boat in action, it looks like a lot of fun!)

1 comment:

  1. Looking back on this post, I realized that I never posted about my experience this summer. So unfortunately I wasn't able to join actually join the Dragon Boat Team during first year because of work, so I missed out. Last summer though (summer 2015 after 2nd year), I actually did join the Dragon Boat Team, and we came 2nd in our division! It was a really fun experience, and quite a cool team sport to be a part of. I don't think it's my sport for long term (like volleyball or skiing), but it was really cool to do. Plus the race boats with the dragon's head on them are so cool!
