It’s the end of week 2, and the NSA just ran a really great
event called Graffiti Pub. This is another event that’s supposed to help first
years bond, and also helps the first years meet some of the upper year
students. We were all given a white t-shirt that had our class logo and said “Class
of 2017,” and the graffiti was to use permanent markers and write messages on
everyone’s shirts. The party started in school which was lots of fun, and then
we moved together as a huge group taking the subway to get to Yonge and
Eglinton. There we got to a bar and met up with the NSA, and eventually some
upper year students we got to meet. We had a good time with some food and beer,
and messing around writing messages on everyone’s shirts with markers. There
were lots of funny messages, I got to know a lot more names, and had a really
good time with everyone. It was definitely more of a first year event, but I
did get to meet a bunch of upper years too, and even got to see Vanessa (my
Unity Summit team leader) again. All in all, it was a good night to relax after
the first full week of school.
(group picture in our shirts at school before heading to the bar; mine wasn't cut yet so it's kind of boring here)
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